2010 International
Invasive Ant Management Workshop
The International Invasive Ant Management Workshop (IIAMW) was organized by Dr. Ben Hoffman and held at the Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre in Darwin, Australia on April 27-29th, 2010. Attended by 54 people from 10 countries, this workshop facilitated networking among people from around the world involved in invasive ant management. It featured 36 presentations covering a wide variety of topics, from basic descriptions of ongoing ant management programs to the latest research into invasive ant biology and ecology, as well as technology being developed for ant management.
The Hawaiʻi Ant Lab hosts the presentations presented at this workshop.

Workshop Presentations
Alejandro Calixto
Current Status of the Invasive Rasberry Crazy Ant Nylanderia sp. nr. pubens in Texas
Alejandro Calixto
Lure, switch and bait for RIFA management
Anne-Marie Callcott
Maritime Agriculture Risk Survey
Mary Finlay-Doney
Quarantine and invasive ants—a shared responsibility
Ben Hoffmann
IIAMW—Why do we need this workshop?
Ben Hoffmann
Incorporating ant biology into management
Ben Hoffmann
Ecological restoration following the local eradication of an invasive ant in northern Australia
Ben Hoffmann
Yellow Crazy Ant management
Ying Huang
Intercept Data of RIFA from China Ports
Paul Krushelnycky
Argentine ants at Haleakala National Park
Paul Krushelnycky
Invasive ants in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific
Phil Lester
The use and implications of genetics in border security and invasive ant management
Phil Lester
Nest size influences the foraging distance and detection ability of red imported fire ants
Neil O’Brien
Tramp ant management in Queensland
Simon O’Connor
The international politics of shifting invasive ant risk offshore
Simon O’Connor
Equitable and effective RIFA management at point source.
Heather Pearson
International yachts – a pathway for the spread of invasive ants
Daniel Spring
Predictive models and new surveillance & treatment methods
Andrew Suarez
Biology of invasive Argentine ants
Andrew Suarez
Invasive ants
Cas Vanderwoude
Controlling Little Fire Ants in the Pacific
Darren Ward
Slowing the Spread of Argentine ants in New Zealand