Research Updates
Aloha! This blog is intended to give updates on our Little Fire Ant (LFA) research endeavors and give clarification to some frequent misconceptions on LFA control. Feel free to subscribe or scroll through the headlines until something catches your fancy.
Little Fire Ants: A Global Perspective
Have you ever wondered what the deal is with Little Fire Ants (LFA)? Where did they come from? Where are they going? What’s all the fuss (they’re just ants anyway, right)? Why are these Little F****g Ants EVERYWHERE and I didn’t even know?! WHY CAN’T THERE BE A SIMPLER WAY TO CONTROL THEM FOR HEAVEN’S…
Little Fire Ant Biocontrol
Recently, researchers detected a new parasitoid wasp (Orasema minutissima) in the South Hilo and Puna districts of the Hawai‘i Island. This is exciting news since this species of wasp is known to parasitize Little Fire Ants (LFA) throughout parts of their native range and in the Caribbean. Right now, we don’t know how long the…
The “P” Word (Oh my!)
Pesticides. There, I said it. As time goes on, more and more people become wary of pesticides and it has become somewhat of a “bad” word or taboo subject and it’s time we address “the elephant in the room”. The fear of pesticides is not unfounded and there are very good examples of the harm…