Have you ever wondered what the deal is with Little Fire Ants (LFA)? Where did they come from? Where are they going? What’s all the fuss (they’re just ants anyway, right)? Why are these Little F****g Ants EVERYWHERE and I didn’t even know?! WHY CAN’T THERE BE A SIMPLER WAY TO CONTROL THEM FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE?!
Well, even though there is a lot we still don’t know, researchers around the world have been teasing out the enigma that is LFA for the past 100 years. Researchers at the Hawaii Ant Lab have been working hard to compile all of that knowledge into a SINGLE document! The Little Fire Ant: A Global Perspective is a comprehensive literature review diving into what we know, what we THINK we know, and what mysteries still surround LFA. It also provides a reference list to all literature to date on LFA if you want to do a deeper dive into certain topics (many of which can be accessed in our website’s bibliography database).
To those that choose to dive into the world of The Little Fire Ant: A Global Perspective, be warned; this is no light reading. The most common side effects are drowsiness, and a coming away with more questions than answers. Possible brain explosions and an addiction to learning more about ants is rare but may occur. Please consult the Hawaii Ant Lab with any questions that come to mind while reading this literature review. Happy reading folks!