Services We Offer
At the Hawaiʻi Ant Lab, we offer the following FREE services:
Call us at 808-315-5656 or email for more information.

Ant Identification
In Hawaiʻi, there are several other small, red ant species that be may mistaken for Little Fire Ants (LFA). The only way to be sure if you have LFA on your property is to mail or bring your ant samples to our office for identification. We can also assist in identifying other pest ant species you are having problems with around your home. You may mail your ant samples to: Hawaii Ant Lab, 16 E. Lanikaula St., Hilo, HI 96720.

Treatment Advice
The array of pesticides on the shelf at your local garden center or hardware store can be mystifying. There are dozens of different proprietary products available, and it can be very difficult to know which is the right one for your situation. Give us a call and we can give you advice on which products to buy and how to properly apply them for long term results.

Ant Management Clinics
Once a month, we conduct a FREE half-day clinic for residents and other interested persons. This workshop covers ant management basics from theory to practice and includes sessions on pesticide safety, mixing and using gel baits, and pretty much everything you want to know about managing Little Fire Ants around your home. Currently, we are holding the workshop online through Zoom on the last Thursday of every month. Register for the class to obtain the Zoom link.

In addition to our regularly scheduled Ant Management workshop, we offer educational presentations to small groups and organizations. Presentations are tailored to suit your needs and time limitations. In person and Zoom meetings are available. Let us know if we can help!

Farm Visits
We also offer FREE Farm Visits to address the impacts of invasive ants. Most of the time, farmers look for help on prevention and management of Little Fire Ants, but we can offer assistance on other species as well. Our initial site visit will cover survey and treatment strategies and demonstrations. We can also help you along the way by checking in and offering troubleshooting.

Info Booths
We would love to be at your next event to share information about Little Fire Ants (LFA) with the community. We offer information on prevention and management of LFA that is relevant to everyone on Big Island.