When it comes to applying HAL (Hawaii Ant Lab) gel bait, there are several spray equipment options available. Your choice of spray equipment will depend on how much gel bait you will be applying and your budget. If you are applying less than a gallon, a Zep 32oz. Bleach Resistant spray bottle is an effective, economical option. However, if you are applying more than a gallon of HAL gel bait, we recommend using a Jacto HD400 backpack sprayer.
The Jacto HD400 is a lever-type sprayer with a 4-gallon capacity. It uses an external lever to operate an internal piston pump. This type of pump is very effective at shooting a stream of HAL gel bait up to a distance of 30 feet.
Compared to a Zep spray bottle, the Jacto HD400 sprayer holds a larger quantity, is less prone to clogging, can spray the HAL gel bait a further distance up into the trees to target Little Fire Ant colonies, and eliminates the hand ache and fatigue from the repetitive motion of pulling the trigger of a spray bottle.
VIDEO: How to Modify a Jacto HD400
Jacto HD400 Modifications
To be able to spray the thick, pudding-like consistency of the HAL gel bait, the following modifications must be made to your Jacto HD400:
Removing the following filters will help reduce clogging:
Remove and discard the nozzle filter (part 39) from the sprayer tip.
Remove and discard the basket strainer (part 26) from the tank.
Follow Option 1 OR Option 2 to increase the sprayer opening:
Cut the spray tip
Step 1: Unscrew the blue nozzle cap (part 42) and nozzle cone (part 41) to expose the spray tip (part 40).
Step 2: Cut the spray tip (part 40) along the red dotted line above the O-ring (refer to image above).
Step 3: Reinsert the cut spray tip (part 40) and screw back on the nozzle cone (part 41) and blue nozzle cap (part 42).
Replace the spray nozzle with a D2 cone spray disk tip*
Step 1: Unscrew the blue nozzle cap (part 42) and discard.
Step 2: Unscrew the nozzle cone (part 41).
Step 3: Remove the spray tip (part 40) and discard.
Step 4: Insert a D2 cone spray disk tip* into the nozzle cone (part 41).
Step 5: Screw back on the nozzle cone (part 41) with D2 disk inserted.
*D2 cone spray disk tip can be found at your local hardware store